Dressing the Bride During Uncertain Times

Dressing the Bride During Uncertain Times

Wow- what a rollercoaster of a couple of weeks. Being of a certain age, I have seen many “major crises” come and go. Whether is was local like the Nashville flood of 2010, or when the US declared war while I was living out of the country, none of the crises played out as expected and all left a mark. Calamities bring a range of emotions from an almost frantic desire to help in any way possible, to a feeling of complete helplessness as we realize our efforts are not stemming the tide. 

This is a very, very personal post. Keep reading as it is not all doom and gloom. My mother and in-laws are all in their late 70’s. My children are in college. My husband and I both own businesses. This is one calamity that is hitting on all fronts at once. It’s definitely not our first bumpy rodeo in life. There have been a few times in my life when it was obvious the world as I knew it was not rational, fair, or even a nice place to be.  

Venues are closing. Bridal Shops are rescheduling appointments. How do you plan the largest party of your life when the future is nebulous? Couples can potentially loose a lot of deposit money. Family and friends can’t make it. You get the doom and gloom picture. So what does all this have to do with dressing a bride during uncertain times?

This is what I know to be true.  In times of uncertainty and angst, flexibility, forgiveness, and kindness go a long, long way.  Bridal dresses and weddings reflect the times we live in when we marry. Accept that. There are times in our lives of plenty and times that are lean. There are big weddings and small affairs. What matters is the person you are vowing to love, honor, and cherish. 

If your bridal outfit has to be modified to better reflect your altered wedding, you have two main options:  1) get upset and ruin everything because it wasn’t your first choice or 2) forgive those who can’t provide your desired services and focus on the person your are marrying.  Start your marriage in a positive way with forgiveness and kindness during this uncertain time. 

My mother has a saying that will serve a bride well right now, “Blessed are the flexible, for they cannot be broken”. 

May the flexibility, forgiveness, and kindness that you extend to others, come back to you. Stay safe and well. 
